WireFusion is a professional authoring tool for interactive plugin-free Web3D presentations. Development is done by visually connecting preprogrammed objects or by coding in Java. Flash is supported and can be combined with 3D models. Add-ons for MPEG video, MP3 sound, Zoom and more are available.
WireFusion Professional 4.1 review
WireFusion is a professional authoring tool for interactive plugin-free Web3D presentations. Development is done by visually connecting preprogrammed objects or by coding in Java. Flash is supported and can be combined with 3D models. Add-ons for MPEG video, MP3 sound, Zoom and more are available.
General Features:
- No browser Plug-in needed to view presentations
- Comprehensive visual tools for logic creation
- Short-Time-to-Market
- Supports 3D Models Specified in VRML Format
- Supports MacromediaŽ Flash (SWF) Animations
- Supports MPEG Video and MP3 Audio
- Java language support for advanced scripting
- JavaScript support for external communication
- Robust 2D Authoring Capabilities
3D Features:
- Supports the VRML 97/2.0 and X3D file formats
- Shadings: Reflection, Phong, Gouraud, Wireframe, Contour, Constant, Flat
- Navigation: Examine mode and Walk mode with collision detection
- Bilinear filtering
- MIP mapping
- Real-time shadows
- Anti-aliasing
- 256 levels of transparency
- Overlapping transparent surfaces
- 32-bit color depth rendering
- True 32-bit z-buffer
- Backface culling
- 3D clipping
- UV texture mapping
- Texture opacity
- Alpha channel
- Streaming
- Compression
- Encryption