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Access MySql 2.5 description
Access-MySQL is an effective tool for data conversion from MS Access databases to MySQL server and vice versa , supporting many advanced features like , the ability to select certain number of tables from the source database and moreover there is an ability to select certain number of fields from each table, converting relationships between tables, scheduling of the conversion tasks to be performed automatically
Access MySql 2.5 review
Access-MySQL is an effective tool for data conversion from MS Access databases to MySQL server and vice versa , supporting many advanced features like , the ability to select certain number of tables from the source database and moreover there is an ability to select certain number of fields from each table, converting relationships between tables , command line support, and scheduling of the conversion tasks to be performed automatically.
Main Features:
1) Supports MS Access 97,2000,XP, 2003 and MySQL 4.x, also tested successfully against MySQL 5.0.0a-alpha .
2) All common MySQL and Access data types and field attributes are supported. ·
3) Convert Table Relationships.
4) Support for Synchronization, Adding new records or fields if any to the target database. This keeps your source and target databases coherent and up-to-date. ·
5) Support for scheduling of conversion tasks to be performed automatically.
6) Support to choose target table type for MySQL. MyISAM, InnoDB, Heep, ISAM or BDB table types are supported.
7) Full support for converting indexes, Auto increment fields, composite primary keys and constraints.
8) The ability to select only the tables you want to convert.
9) The ability to select only the fields you want to convert for each selected table.
10) Support for Renaming Tables during conversion .
11) Support for converting NULL values to "Zeros" for numeric fields and to Empty string "" for text-based fields. ·
12) Support for changing "Date/Time" fields data type when converting from Access to MySQL. "DateTime","Date","Time" and "Year" data types are supported.
13) Command line support . ·
14) Support for change Access fields character case in the target MySQL database.