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Subcategory: Helpdesk & Remote PC free software downloads

Total downloads in category: 11 softwares

Software downloads:

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ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus 4.1
ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus is a web based, easy to use Help Desk and Asset Management software which integrates Ticketing, Asset Tracking, Purchasing, Contract Management and Knowledge Base in one low-cost package. ServiceDesk Plus gives you the ability to improve productivity of your IT Service team and keep your end-users happy.

License type : Freeware cost: $0.00
Free software download available

File size: 28159 kb
Operating System(s): Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003, Linux
Related: Help Desk, Service Desk, Asset Management, Trouble Ticketing, Helpdesk Software, SLA Management, Contract Management, Purchase O
Software release date:


BridgeTrak Help Desk Software 5.5
Comprehensive trouble ticket tracking software for help desks and call centers. User-friendly interface offers customizable screens, custom user fields, knowledgebase, asset manager, project organizer, reports, queries, etc. Modules available for 24/7 customer self-help via the Web, automatic issue escalation, and advanced data searches. Integrates with computer inventory software to aid in IT troubleshooting.

License type : Demo cost: $995.00
Free software download available

File size: 44522 kb
Operating System(s): Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP
Related: help desk software, help, desk, software, trouble, ticket, software, bug, tracking, software
Software release date:


IP Detective Suite XP 3.1
IP Detective Suite is an ideal program for anyone using a dynamic IP address. IP Detective Suite will report changes in your dynamic IP to your ftp site, e-mails your new IP to you (will e-mail it to up to two e-mail addresses) and also displays your IP on your desktop with the new always on top feature. Also release and renew your IP when you deem it necessary and test the application with our new test feature.

License type : Shareware cost: $19.95
Free software download available

File size: 22460 kb
Operating System(s): WinXP
Related: ip detective suite, winXP, ftp, e-mail, alert, ip, dynamic, address, viewer, dns, manager, management, manage,
Software release date:


IP Detective Suite 2K 3.1
IP Detective Suite is an ideal program for anyone using a dynamic IP address. IP Detective Suite will report changes in your dynamic IP to your ftp site, e-mails your new IP to you (will e-mail it to up to two e-mail addresses) and also displays your IP on your desktop with the new always on top feature. Also release and renew your IP when you deem it necessary and test the application with our new test feature.

License type : Shareware cost: $19.95
Free software download available

File size: 17578 kb
Operating System(s): Windows2000
Related: ip detective suite, win2000, ftp, release, renew, e-mail, alert, ip, dynamic, address, viewer, dns, manager, management, manage
Software release date:


VersaSRS Help Desk 3.2
Based on the Microsoft .NET Framework, versaSRS provides a flexible and scalable solution for managing service request processes and providing cost effective solutions to end users and customers. versaSRS takes advantage of the latest advancements in browser technology to provide a more intuitive user interface. Adaptable to a diverse range of workflow settings, versaSRS combines a browser-based interface with a database back-end.

License type : Demo cost: $495.00
Free software download available

File size: 11154 kb
Operating System(s): Windows2000, WinXP
Related: Help Desk, Service Request, web based, thin client, browser based, Call Centre, Contact Centre, Issue Tracking, Self Help, Suppo
Software release date:


WorkOrder XP 1.00
With workOrder XP you it will be able to manage work orders and services. It includes maintenance scheduling, service status, supply control, and more. Connect to WorkOrder using the web.

License type : Shareware cost: $110.00
Free software download available

File size: 13081 kb
Operating System(s): Win95, Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP
Related: work order service services parts part supply
Software release date:


VueChat Enterprise Server 1.3
Vuechat is set of tools for Web-based Customer Service, Instant Messaging, VoIP communications, Video Conference and the Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

License type : Shareware cost: $19.00
Free software download available

File size: 607 kb
Operating System(s): Win98, WinME, WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP, Unix, Linux, AS/400, OS/2, OS/2 Warp, OS/2 Wa
Related: affiliate, commission, VoIP, live voice, webcam chat, video chat, chat, business, records, corporations, enterprise, government, home, cu
Software release date:


Been There Done That 8.2
Been There, Done That is an affordable help desk program designed for the poor, overworked IT support person on a tight budget. The attractive and easy to learn interface makes it easy to record information about your users, their computers, peripherals, software and their problems. The latest version adds a number of interface changes and allows for output of reports to PDF files for emailing as attachments.

License type : Shareware cost: $129.00
Free software download available

File size: 5791 kb
Operating System(s): Win98, Windows2000, WinXP
Related: help desk, IT help desk, customer support, computer inventory
Software release date:


Problem Solved 4.6
Problem Solved! 4.6 is a comprehensive but easy to use help desk program which includes both a windows based application and a mini-http server that you have running in less than an hour. The web interface is generated dynamically so you do not need to know Java, CGI-Bin, Active Server Pages or even HTML. A wide variety of reports can be filtered using the Query Wizard. Multi user ready no extra cost.

License type : Shareware cost: $199.00
Free software download available

File size: 6152 kb
Operating System(s): Win98, Windows2000, WinXP
Related: Help Desk, Web enabled help desk, customer support, inventory
Software release date:


DNA Helpdesk 2
Every organisation depends in part on its IT infrastructure to remain competitive and efficient. Minimising the amount of system downtime is essential together with ensuring an effective solution is in place to assist and support users of IT assets. Available as a standalone application or as an integrated module of DNA, NetSupport Helpdesk is a powerful and wholly web based solution providing detailed recording and tracking of user Help Req

License type : Demo cost: $1600.00
Free software download available

File size: 49 kb
Operating System(s): WinNT 4.x, Windows2000, WinXP, Windows2003
Related: helpdesk, web based, DNA, netsupport, helpdesk software, active directory,
Software release date:


Pages:  1  2

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